Call us: 01509 277577

Email us:

General Information

Confidentiality and Consent

As a Medical Centre, confidentiality is of utmost importance to us.

When you turn 18 years old, your parents will no longer be able to access your records or discuss any medical conditions with us without your written consent.

We also advise patients to book and cancel their own appointments to prevent any confidentiality issues and ensure you update your contact details with us throughout your time here.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR is a law that replaced the Data Protection Act 1998.

In order to provide you with appropriate healthcare services we will hold your personal, sensitive and confidential data. For more information please see our ‘How we share and use your data page’

Named/Accountable GP

All patients registered at the Medical Centre have a named doctor who has overall responsibility for your care and support.  For the period of registrations August 2021 to August 2022 Dr Gill is your named accountable GP. Download our Named Accountable GP leaflet here for further information

Meningitis Vaccination for Freshers

Students aged between 17-24yrs and starting university are strongly recommended to have a booster Men ACWY vaccination (which has replaced the Meningitis C) if you didn’t receive one in school. This is because it is now known that your immunity to the disease will have decreased and your risk of catching the disease is higher.  When you are registered please telephone us on 01509 277577 and arrange an immunisation appointment.  Please follow the links below for further information:-

Download a Meningitis information leaflet here.

Visit the NHS website here for further information.

Wellbeing Service

We have a number of resources available to support you during your time at University.  Please follow the links below and also visit our website or further information.

Loughborough University Health and Wellbeing

NHS 111 online

Coronavirus advice on the website

Mental health and wellbeing on the Leicester CCG website  – inc Every Mind Matters links to animations in different languages

Recipe videos

Leicester CCG healthy eating

The Leicester and Loughborough University Joint Information

Date published: 17th May, 2022
Date last updated: 11th August, 2022