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Online services

You can use the following online services at the surgery to:-

  • book or cancel a routine appointment (call the surgery for an urgent appointment)
  • order a repeat prescription,
  • get test results,
  • ask about a non-urgent medical or admin problem
  • view your medical record.

Our online services are protected by the highest security and cannot be accessed by others providing you keep your registration details secure.

Which online service to use?

The Practice uses a number of online systems to help you manage your healthcare online.

1) Electronic Consultations

You can contact us about:-

  • non – urgent medical issues
  • non – urgent admin requests by using our e-consultation service.

Use our e-consultation service

2) All of our patients can log in to our online services (SystmOnline) to:-

  • book or cancel a routine appointment (call the surgery for an urgent appointment)
  • order a repeat prescription,
  • get test results,
  • view your medical record.

If you are a first time user of Systmonline you will need to obtain a username and password. This can be organised by downloading and completing the Online Access Form and returning it via email or hand delivery to our reception with 2 forms of photographic identification (student ID card is acceptable with one other). Read our Terms and Conditions before completing the form.

Log in to SystmOnline

Access to Medical Records

Once you are logged into SystmOnline you can request that we give you access to your medical records. At this practice we are able to enable you to see;

  • Information held on your Summary Care Record (medications, allergies and adverse reactions) (Summary Care Record Access)
  • All of the computer codes that have been added to your record since medical records moved onto the computer (Detailed Coded Record Access)
  • Your full medical record from the date that you asked us for access (Full Record Access)

On receipt of your request your records and ID documentation will be reviewed by a member of our team before access is granted. On the rare occasions that we are not able to grant access to you for some reason we will always write to let you know this.

Please call in to reception to ask for an application form if you wish to apply to have proxy access to SystmOnline for another patient.

Having trouble with Systmonline?

There is now a guide for patients where you can trouble shoot common issues including messaging, signing in, booking appointment and repeat prescriptions.

For more information please visit the help section on the Systmonline website.

3) The NHS App

You can download and configure the NHS App to give you access to a number of online functions to:

  • book or cancel a routine appointment (call the surgery for an urgent appointment)
  • order a repeat prescription
  • get your test results
  • view your medical record

For more information on how to use the NHS App please go to the NHS website.

Date published: 2nd February, 2024
Date last updated: 5th February, 2024