Repeat prescription requests are accepted in writing via patient online access, or by completing the right-hand section of your prescription ‘repeat’ slip and handing it in to reception or by emailing us. You can also order repeat prescriptions online using Systmonline.
Please follow the link above to register for online services.
Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.
Please note – We do not normally issue medication early unless there is a good reason (that you have advised us about) such as going on holiday.
Medication reviews
For your safety repeat medication is reviewed with you periodically. We will let you know when a review is due and any associated monitoring, eg blood tests. Reviews are important and ensure you continue to receive the most appropriate treatment. Medication requests may be rejected until a review has been completed.
NHS prescription charges and exemptions
Go to the NHS website for the latest prescription charges and exemption criteria