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Mental health support

Please see the information pages below for mental health support & advice.

Helpful resources

Self help guides These guides are a good starting point they include information about commonly experienced mental health problems, sleep, mindfulness and self-esteem. They are based within CBT: Self help...

Local help services

If you’d like any further information or support accessing the help below please speak to us at the Medical Centre Cruse bereavement care CRUSE BEREAVEMENT CARE acts as a listening...

LU Wellbeing App

Loughborough University has launched a mental wellbeing app for all students and staff members. LU Wellbeing has been developed in partnership with mental health and wellbeing experts at UniWellbeing. The platform...

Mental Health Support for Veterans, Service Leavers and Reservists

Visit the NHS website here for information and advice on healthcare for the armed forces community The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service If you or someone you know is struggling...


Quetzal is a free self-help guide for victims of childhood sexual abuse. This guide can be downloaded from the Quetzal website here In the guide you can get a further...

Urgent mental health support

LPT has commissioned Turning Point to offer urgent mental health support for adults in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Free 24-hour adult mental health telephone helpline: 0808 800 3302 Email call-back service: Alternatively you...

Where shall I go for help?

If you’re struggling and feel you might be experiencing mental illness it’s really important to get help. Early intervention is crucial to being and staying well. Please remember nothing is...

Worried about how you are feeling?

What exactly is mental health can be a tricky question to answer. There’s different ideas but the World Health Organisation define it as- Mental health is defined as a state...

Worried about someone?

It’s common to feel intensely concerned about somebody who you care about is struggling and you can feel like you are solely responsible for their mental wellbeing. You may feel...

Date published: 7th April, 2022
Date last updated: 11th April, 2022